

姓名:蒿坡   性别:女   出生年月:1988.10.23
职称:副教授  硕士生导师   
电子邮箱:Haopo88@126.com   所在系:工商管理系


蒿坡,伟德BETVlCTOR1946工商系副教授,华中科技大学管理学博士(2016)。研究领域为人力资源管理和组织行为学。主要研究兴趣包括授权型领导、共享型领导、员工情感与创造力研究等。在Journal of Organizational Behavior, Personnel Psychology,Management Decision,
Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, Management and Organization,《心理学报》和《南开管理评论》等国内外学术期刊发表研究论文10余篇。主持国家自然科学基金1项。美国管理学会(AOM)、中国管理研究国际学会(IACMR)会员。



1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,71702145,"不同共享型领导模式及其对团队产出的影响研究:基于领导力结构配置视角",2018/01-2020/12,18万元,在研,主持;
2. 国家自然科学基金重点课题,71232001,"转型期和谐劳动关系:分享型领导、员工心理契约与人力资源策略研究",2013/01-2017/12,240万元,结题,参与;
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,71071064,"绩效薪酬强度对突破性创新行为的影响:内在动机的保护机制",2011/01-2013/12,24万元,结题,参与;




1. He, W., Hao, P., Long, L. R., Huang, X., & Hiller, N. J., Li. S. L. Online. Different roles of shared leadership and vertical leadership in promoting team creativity: Cultivating and synthesizing team members' individual creativity. Personnel Psychology. doi: 10.1111/peps.12321.
2. Hao, P., He, W., & Long, L. R. 2018. Why and when empowering leadership has different effects on employee work performance: The pivotal roles of passion for work and role breadth self-efficacy. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. 2018, 25(1): 85-100.
3. He, W., Zhou, R. Y., Huang, Xu., Long, L. R., & Hao, P. 2018. Self-sacrificial leadership and followers' affiliative and challenging citizenship behaviors: A relational self-concept based study in China. Management and Organizational Review, 14(1): 105-133.
4. He, W., Fehr, R., Yam, K. C., Long, L. R., & Hao, P. 2017. Interactional justice, leader-member exchange, and employee performance: Examining the moderating role of justice differentiation. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(4): 537-557.
5. Han, Y., Hao, P., Yang, B. Y., & Liu, W. X. 2017. How leaders' transparent behavior influences employee creativity: The mediating roles of psychological safety and ability to focus attention. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 24(3): 335-344.
6. Liu, W. X., Zhang, P. C., Liao, J. Q., Hao, P., & Mao, J. H. 2016. Abusive supervision and employee creativity: The mediating roles of psychological safety and organization identification. Management Decision 54(1): 130-147.
7. 蒿坡,龙立荣。化被动为主动:共享型领导对员工主动变革行为的影响及其作用机制研究。管理工程学报,2020, 2.
8. 蒿坡,陈琇霖,龙立荣。领导力涌现研究综述与未来展望。外国经济与管理,2017, 39 (9): 47-58。
9. 蒿坡,龙立荣。共享型领导的概念、测量及作用机制。管理评论,2017, 29 (5): 87-101。
10. 蒿坡,贺伟,黄祎。任务目标框架对个体突破性创造意愿的影响。管理学报,2016, 13(3): 403-414。
11. 蒿坡,龙立荣,贺伟。共享型领导如何影响团队产出?信息交换、激情氛围与环境不确定性的作用。心理学报,2015, 47(10):1288-1299。
12. 蒿坡,龙立荣。员工情感与创造力:一个动态研究模型。管理评论, 2015, 27(5): 157-168。
13. 蒿坡,龙立荣,贺伟。领导力共享、垂直领导力与团队创造力:双视角研究。管理科学, 2014, 27(6):53-64。
14. 贺伟,蒿坡。薪酬分配差异一定会降低员工情感承诺吗?薪酬水平, 绩效薪酬强度和员工多元化的调节作用。南开管理评论, 2014, 4, 13-23。

1. Hao, P., Zhou, R. Y., He, W., & Long, L. R. I feel happy to speak up and make sacrifice for the team: The pivotal roles of self-sacrificial leadership and environmental uncertainty. 74th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 2014.
2. Hao, P., He, W., & Long, L. R. Paying for performance now or later? An experiment study on pay-for-performance reinforcement and individual work motivation from the affect-as-information perspective. 74th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 2014.
3. Hao, P., He, W., Long, L. R., & Huang, X. A multilevel examination on shared leadership and individual and team creativity: The pivotal roles of role breadth self-efficacy and task interdependence. 75th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, 2015.
4. He, W., Chen, X. P., Wei, W., & Hao, P. Open the Door Positively: The Effects of Leader Framing of Voice Significance and Employee Affect on Prohibitive Voice. 76th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 2016.

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